Cold Brew or a Hot Cup: Does The Weather Really Affect Your Coffee Choice?

Have you ever imagined starting your day without a steaming cup of coffee? For some, it is a daily necessity, and for others, a delicious treat. The United States alone reports an astounding annual coffee consumption of around 26 million 60 kg bags, which means that most of us enjoy either hot or cold coffee, or both! The worldwide production of coffee is equally staggering, with a massive 175 million and 60 kg bags, and the coffee market in the United States is estimated at a whopping 66.6 billion USD. It is evident that coffee has a significant impact on our daily beverage intake, but have you ever considered whether the weather can influence your preference for hot or cold coffee?

What Are The Chemical Distinctions Between Hot Coffee And Cold Coffee? Cold brewing and iced coffee are recent trends in contrast to hot coffee, and it is a fact that research has revealed some chemical differences between them. Cold coffee and hot coffee have different flavors, and even if you cool down hot coffee, it cannot match the taste of cold brewing. Scientific examination has shown that brewing temperature or coffee roasting time span can affect the extraction process of cold and hot coffee, and cold-brewed coffee has lower acidity, brown compound concentration, and fewer total dissolved solids (TDS). This research indicates that cold coffee brewing extracts some coffee compounds less effectively than hot brewing, and the roasting temperature and level of roast also affect the flavor, making the extraction possibility during brewing an influencing factor.

Why do People Crave Coffee in Cold Weather?
There are five common reasons for more coffee cravings in winter.

    1. The warmth of a hot cup makes you feel comfortable in freezing weather.

    2. Consuming coffee can help with the seasonal sickness that comes with the change in seasons.

    3. The caffeine in coffee raises the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, which contribute to a more positive mood.

    4. Coffee is available worldwide and is widely purchased for a low price.

    5. People feel warmer more quickly if they consume coffee after being out in the cold.

Antioxidant-fortified coffee is a tasty way to strengthen your defenses against cold weather, health, and mood swings, as many people become ill or depressed during winter, weakening their immune systems. Caffeine in coffee has a thermogenic effect and can aid in the production of body heat, which means that coffee helps combat and keep you toasty when it's chilly outside. It can benefit concentration by increasing focus and clarity of thought, preventing the release of the fatigue-inducing neurotransmitter adenosine, and improving focus and alertness by inhibiting adenosine. Additionally, caffeine has been shown to increase metabolic rate, which can aid in weight loss by increasing the number of calories burned. However, one should not overdo it with coffee as it can lead to side effects like anxiety and nervousness.

Which Coffee is Healthier and Why?

Acidity, bitterness, and sweet taste receptors respond to certain chemicals' presence and transmit the perception of flavor to your brains. According to research on hot and cold coffee brewing, when different types of pre-ground, lightly roasted beans from different countries were used to examine the acidity levels, as measured by pH, the levels were similar between hot and cold coffee, ranging from 4.85 to 5.13. This discovery disproves the common belief that cold brew coffee is less acidic and considers cold brews less likely to cause heartburn or gastrointestinal problems. Scientific studies have proved that antioxidants are abundant in coffee, and consuming it in moderation has some health benefits. Hot brew has more antioxidant capacity and can reduce some types of cancer, diabetes, and depression in those who drink it.

Is There Any Alarming Sign for Coffee Enthusiasts Regarding Climate Change Worldwide?
Because of climate change, you'll have to pay more for coffee over time. The effects of climate change on the production of coffee are likely to be felt in higher prices and lower output, at least for some years. The increasing cost of living in the face of climate change is reflected in the rising cost of many grocery store tacks, including coffee. Weather extremes and prolonged droughts in some areas are examples of how climate change impacts food security and coffee production.

So, Can The Weather Affect Your Choice Of Coffee?
Few tastes are so dominant and overwhelming for you that weather or any other phenomenon can't change your affection. Regardless of the weather, it's up to you which coffee you like to drink at a particular temperature, environment, and mood. But it's a good idea to buy someone a coffee like Altruistic Joe. You are always welcome for any initiative to help the community and veteran-owned small businesses as a coffee lover.

Whether you enjoy your coffee hot or cold, you can get the best fresh-roasted coffee beans from farms you can be proud to support right here at Altruistic Joe!